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Social Media is the Singing Cave

Social Media is the Singing Cave

The Singing Cave echoes our Social Media today The Singing Cave is a famous and beautiful landmark in Iceland. I believe social media parallels this cave. It has been my experience that social media platforms, more often than not, reflect what we want to hear...
Why Google Mobilegeddon Matters

Why Google Mobilegeddon Matters

If you’re reading this, you likely have some knowledge of Google’s newest update to its search engine algorithms. It’s been labeled Mobilegeddon, because this shift in how Google ranks Websites will have a tremendous effect on many businesses that have not prepared to...
21st Century Interview Questions

21st Century Interview Questions

Important questions to ask on an interview As some my friends and family have been looking for better opportunities, I’ve found myself speaking about relevant 21st Century interview questions to ensure expectations are clear, and the position is a fit for all...
Why Business Leaders Can Learn From Sir Tom Jones

Why Business Leaders Can Learn From Sir Tom Jones

Why is Sir Tom Jones a force into his seventies? Tom Jones doesn’t do it for the money. Sir Tom has done well for himself, and doesn’t “need” to perform; he does it because he loves singing and entertaining people. Fifty plus years as a professional singer...

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