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Why I Blog – What I’ve Learned This Year /Part 2

Why I Blog - Spencer Taylor

Here’s why I blog and share my thoughts with others.

My father passed away in January of this year(2014) at age 67. He had suffered from Early-Onset Alzheimer’s disease.

In early 2009, I relocated from Westchester, NY, where I had lived for years, to my home city of Philadelphia to care for him.

My career, effectively, was paused. I had no idea my father would pass away less than five years from when I began caring for him.

He had never spoken about his illness. I am an only child and come from a small family on both parents’ sides.

So, Why Am I Writing Now?

Before my dad was unable to care for himself, I had a career.

After moving to New York City with only $1,100 to my name in the mid-nineties, and I fell into working on and off Wall Street as an Executive Recruiter for 11 years.

Also, I owned and operated an IT consulting practice in Westchester, NY, for a few years.

Moreover, I was acclimated to being a business person.

At the same time, I was studying in university for a BSW/MSW – Social Work degree. I planned to be a practicing therapist.

Unfortunately, the program at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, NY was only possible in person, and I had to drop out.

However, after moving back to the Philadelphia area, I was offered a compelling scholarship to study Information Security at Drexel University. Sadly, the program was not nearly as technical as I had been led to believe.

Above all, though, I discovered I learn technical things by doing them, not in an old school classroom setting.

At this time in 2012, I decided to create my present company Threshold Solutions. Besides, I learn IT-related skills much quicker on my own!

The Times They Are A’Changing

It was rough during this time, that the two best things in my life happened.

Firstly, I met my awesome, brilliant, beautiful wife and married her.

Secondly, I discovered racing – in that order.

Racing provided the long-needed structure, planning, and micro-goal setting that I lacked for most of my life.

Importantly, racing also caused me to reevaluate what is important from what is a pretense, and what teamwork can accomplish.

While I was not a “bad” team member in the past, racing has made me a far better one, and a far more focused individual.

Above all, racing rekindled my natural spark for competition and excellence.

Thank you aika copon and asti for this awesome photo! Join the pugs
A Join the Pugs Example! Credit to Aika Copon and Asti.

Then Came The Pugs

In 2012, I created a branded Pug dog community called Join the Pugs. My wife and I have a Pug we adore.

Creating Pug content is relaxing and connects me with Pug lovers all over the world.

What Does This Have To Do With Blogging?

In addition, I very much like sharing online marketing and technology tips resulting from my professional experience as a consultant.

Writing is a muscle, which must be exercised to get the best results.

For me, blogging and writing are enjoyable ways to share my experiences and help others.

Help Others Succeed

In conclusion, whether we have never met in person, or I have known you for years, the most important thing is this: I’m back!

Perhaps I’m older. Hopefully, I’m wiser. Most importantly, I’m ready to get to business

I’m here to help your business thrive with beautifully crafted WordPress websites and WooCommerce solutions.

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Spencer Taylor WordPress Web Developer Photo

Spencer Taylor is a dedicated freelance WordPress web designer, developer, and consultant based in New Jersey. Spencer also specializes in WooCommerce, Elementor, Divi Builder, and Gutenberg websites and is a Motorsports enthusiast.


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Work with a trusted consultant! My focus is providing WordPress consulting and web design services on a White Label basis for marketing and SEO agencies, or directly with organizations in Philadelphia, South Jersey, and beyond.

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